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Mr.Long ( 098 713 45 45 )

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Mr.Đức ( 0914 114 507 )

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Văn phòng Hà Nội:
Mobile: 0987.134.545 Tel:04 3573 9342
Email: long.pham@anphuco.com
Add: Số 8/583, Kim Ngưu, Q.Hai Bà Trưng,
TP.Hà Nội

Văn phòng TP.HCM:
Mobile: 0987.134.545 (Mr.Long)
Email: long.pham@anphuco.com
Add: 285/14 Đường Cách Mạng Tháng 8
- Phường 12 - Quận 10 - TP HCM

Rơ le bảo vệ động cơ - lắp mặt tủ - bảo vệ chạm đất

3E, 4E Motor Protective Relay



Liên hệ

Kiểu: D4E-011/022

Nhà sản xuất: DEESYS

Nhà phân phối: Nhà phân phối độc quyền tại Việt Nam: Công Ty TNHH Thương Mại Quốc Tế An Phú

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3E Type

4E Type

Motor rating

Circuit voltage

Less than AC 600V(3Φ), Primary voltage

Rated current

AC 1-80A to 64-160A, primary current

Rated voltage

AC 110V, AC220V, AC380V (3 Φ)

Extent voltage

85%~110% of Rated Voltage


50/60Hz common

Contact capacity

AC 120V 10A, AC 250V 6A (cosΦ=1.0), DC 30V 5A, AC 250V 3A (cosΦ=0.4)

Power consumption

Control power

AC 110V, 220V, 380V

AC 110V,220V





Element ofover load

Operating Value

Operation 115% of current set value (105~125%)

Operating time Curve


Inverse, Definite (Ground)

Operating time

When over load 600% of current set

Inverse: Same as 3E

Operating time tap×1(1~10sec)

Ground Fault: More than

Operating time tap×4(4~40sec)

Current set value


More than 100% of current set value

Element of open phase

Operating Value

Less than 75% of current set value

Unbalance factor

H(high sensitivity set ±3510%, L(low sensitivity)65±10%

Operating time

Less than 4sec

Value of Operation

Less than 80% rated voltage

Operating time

Less than 1sec

Starting Lock

Starting hold time 5sec/10se/15sec

SL (Start Lock)

ON(operating) OFF(Non operating)

Ambient temperature

Operating value : ±10%(-10~+50), operating time: ±20%

Insulation resistance

Primary-case, Secondary-case : More than 10㏁

Dielectric strength

Primary-case, Secondary-case : AC 2000V 1minute

Multually dry contact : AC 1000V 1minute

Impulse wave

1.2/50㎲ positive, negative polarity : 3times

withstand voltage

Electric circuit to case : 5kV

Aux power to terminal : 4.5kV

Over load

P'ry current circuit

Multiple 20 of current set value


Control power circuit

Multiple 1.15 of rated voltage (3 Hours)

Vibration strength

Vibration frequency 16: 7hz, amp;itude 4mm

Mechanical shock resistance

500m/s 2 (50g)





D3E-F41/F42/F43, P41/P42

Motor Protective Relay
Văn phòng Hà Nội:
Địa chỉ: Số 8, ngõ 583, phố Kim Ngưu, quận Hai Bà Trưng, TP.Hà Nội
Điện thoại: (04) 3573 9342   -   Fax: (04) 3573 9890
Mobile: 0987.134.545 (Mr.Long)
Website: www.deesys.com.vn - Email: duc.pham@anphuco.com
Văn phòng TP.HCM
Địa chỉ: 285/14 Đường Cách mạng Tháng 8 - Quận 10 - TP.HCM
Mobile: 0987.134.545 (Mr.Long)
Website: www.deesys.com.vn - Email: long.pham@anphuco.com

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