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Văn phòng Hà Nội:
Mobile: 0987.134.545 Tel:04 3573 9342
Email: long.pham@anphuco.com
Add: Số 8/583, Kim Ngưu, Q.Hai Bà Trưng,
TP.Hà Nội

Văn phòng TP.HCM:
Mobile: 0987.134.545 (Mr.Long)
Email: long.pham@anphuco.com
Add: 285/14 Đường Cách Mạng Tháng 8
- Phường 12 - Quận 10 - TP HCM

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Digital Over Current Relay[50/51 2¢]



Liên hệ

Kiểu: DOC-M32/D

Nhà sản xuất: DEESYS

Nhà phân phối: Nhà phân phối độc quyền tại Việt Nam: Công Ty TNHH Thương Mại Quốc Tế An Phú

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 DOC-M32 (Non Draw out)
 DOC-M32D (Draw out)


 Rated current AC 5A
 Frequency 50/60Hz ±5%
 Auxiliary Voltage AC/DC 110V (86~260V)
 Ambient temperature -10℃ to 60℃(with no icing)

Current Setting

 Over current Range 2 ~ 10A Lock (stepas of 0.5A)
 Instantaneous Range 20 ~ 80A Lock (stepas of 5A)

Time Setting &

 Overcurrent time lever  0.25~40(Steps of 0.25)

Curve IEC 255-3

 Instantaneous Less than 40ms(over 200%)


Normal inverse time NI= (0.14/I0.02 -1) * (tp/10)
  Very inverse time VI= (13.5/I -1) * (tp/10)
  Extremely inverse EI= (80/I2 -1) * (tp/10)
  Definite time DE= 2 * (tp/10)
  Resetting Value > 95%
  Reset time  < 100ms

Operating time 

Over Current Lever #10
Normal inverse time  300% 6.3 sec, 700% 3.5 sec
Very inverse time 300% 6.75 sec, 700% 2.25 sec
Extremely inverse time 300% 10 sec, 700% 1.67 sec
Instantaneous time 300%
Degree Protection IP 52
Thermal Withstand Capability for 1s 80xIn Continuously 3xIn


Overcurrent  0.5VA
Aux Voltage 12VA(AC), 6W(DC)


Output Relay Trip 1c, Alarm 1a
Trip & Alarm contact capacity
Make AC 240V 10A (L/R=0ms)
DC 1000W 0.5sec (L/R=0ms)
Break AC 240V 3A (L/R=0ms)
DC 30W 0.5sec (L/R=0ms)


Operating(Start) LED (Red) 
Operating(trip) LED (Red) 

Vibration resistance 

Malfunction 10Hz 5mm double amplitude 30s each in X and Y directions
16.7Hz 2.5mm double amplitude 600s each in X, Y and Z 1directions

Shock resistance 

Destruction 300㎨(approx. 30G) 3times each in 3 directions

Insulation to IEC 255 

Dielectric Withstand 2kV for 1minute between all terminals and case earth
Insulation resistance at 500V >100㏁
Impluse Voltage Withstand 5kv-1.2/50㎲
Surge transient simulator 2.5kv 1MHz/200Ω
Weight 2.0kg
Văn phòng Hà Nội:
Địa chỉ: Số 8, ngõ 583, phố Kim Ngưu, quận Hai Bà Trưng, TP.Hà Nội
Điện thoại: (04) 3573 9342   -   Fax: (04) 3573 9890
Mobile: 0987.134.545 (Mr.Long)
Website: www.deesys.com.vn - Email: duc.pham@anphuco.com
Văn phòng TP.HCM
Địa chỉ: 285/14 Đường Cách mạng Tháng 8 - Quận 10 - TP.HCM
Mobile: 0987.134.545 (Mr.Long)
Website: www.deesys.com.vn - Email: long.pham@anphuco.com

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